40 Days of Thankfulness: Days Twenty-Two to Thirty

I haven’t been too great on keeping this list up online but I have been keeping up on my computer so there will be a few catchup posts like this one.

Day 22 (November 5): Jack Canfield’s book Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul: 101 Healing Stories About Those Who Have Survived Cancer.  There is a great piece in there called The Best Day of my Life.  I’ve written about it before on http://cushingshelp.blogspot.com

Day 23 (November 6): Lou Argow.  She’s been my counselor for many years, starting with my terrifyingly real dreams of death. Thanks, Lou!

Day 24 (November 7): SusanM on the message boards.  She did something so wonderful for me a few years ago, words can’t even describe it.  Fortunately, I have described it before. 🙂  Read more here!  People on the message boards can check this thread out.  Thanks again, Susan!

Day 25 (November 8): Travel.  I’ve been fortunate to be able to travel to several interesting places.  Some, like Iceland, we just lucked in to.  We’ wanted to go to Ireland but the travel agent couldn’t get us in at any time over that summer.  She did get us a deal where, if we flew Iceland Air, they’d give us a free week in a hotel in Iceland before flying us to London.  Duh!  Wonderful trip.

Day 26 (November 9): My dear friend, and sister I never had, Alice.  We’ve only met twice in person but we talk for several hours about every other day.  We’re closer than any of my local friends.  Happy Birthday, Alice!

Day 27 (November 10): TiVo.  I love that I can fast forward through commercials and have all my favorite shows waiting for me when I lie down on the sofa (and fall asleep!)  I probably wouldn’t have gotten one of these when we did but our son got us one for Christmas.  He had it all set up and ready to go on Christmas morning.  At that time, I had no idea of its capabilities but now, I don’t think I could live without it!

Day 28 (November 11): Veteran’s Day.  I am thankful for those who have served and are serving now.  My husband served during the Vietnam-era although he never had to go to Vietnam.

Day 29 (November 12): Crockpot.  Yay!

Day 30 (November 13): Rainbows. I have a special affinity for them.  To me, a rainbow is a sign that things are going to be ok.  Years ago, our little family was in Florida.  I felt guilty about going because my dad was terminally ill with his second bout of colon cancer.  I was worried about him and said a little prayer for him.  I was lying on the beach while DH and our son were in the ocean and I looked up and saw a rainbow.  It was a perfectly clear, sunny afternon.   I even called the people out of the water, in case it was something I wanted to see that didn’t really exist.  They saw it, too.

Where in the world did that rainbow come from, if it wasn’t a sign?

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