Birthday of the Message Boards

September 30, 2000 - Birth of the Message Boards

September 30, 2000 – Birth of the Message Boards

Today  is the birthday, or anniversary, of the boards starting September 30, 2000 (The rest of the site started earlier that year in July)

As of today, we have 73,357 members who have made well over 380,324 posts.

Find the message boards here:

Cushing’s Community Button

The Community button is at the lower left.

The Community button is at the lower left.

Join in and help answer questions!

Several of the Cushing’s Help pages have a new “Community Button” near the bottom left. Click on any of those to chat away or ask questions.

Sample of the Community window

Sample of the Community window

Click on the little square symbol next to the X to undock the chat and keep it with you on other pages.

If you’re on a  a mobile device? Look at the bottom right, below the “Send” button and click on “Continue from mobile” to get your member code.

Day Nine, Cushing’s Awareness Challenge 2015

Blue and Yellow – we have those colors on ribbons, websites, T-shirts, Cushing’s Awareness Challenge logos and even cars.

This is the yellow PT cruiser I had rented for the Columbus, OH meeting in 2007.  I didn’t ask for yellow.  That’s just what the rental company gave me.  Somehow, they knew.

This meeting is the one when we all met at Hoggy’s for dinner although some of us travelers stayed at this hotel.

I’m the one in yellow and blue.



Later in 2007, I bought my own truly Cushie Car.  I even managed to get a butterfly on the tags.

So, where did all this blue and yellow come from, anyway?  The answer is so easy and without any thought that it will amaze you!

In July of 2000, I was talking with my dear friend Alice, who ran a wonderful menopause site, Power Surge.  We wondering why there weren’t many support groups online (OR off!) for Cushing’s and I wondered if I could start one myself and we decided that maybe I could.

This website ( first went “live” July 21, 2000.  It was a one-page bit of information about Cushing’s.  Nothing fancy.  No message boards, no blogs, no wiki, no image galleries…  Certainly no Cushing’s Awareness Challenges.

I didn’t know much about HTML (yet!) but I knew a little from what Alice had taught me and I used on my music studio site.  I didn’t want to put as much work <COUGH!> into the Cushing’s site as I had on the music studio site so I used a WYSIWYG web editor called Microsoft FrontPage.

One of their standard templates was – you guessed it! – blue and yellow.

TaDa!  Instant Cushie color scheme forever.  Turns out that the HTML that this software churned out was really awful and had to be entirely redone as the site grew.  But the colors stuck.

Now, in this day of mobile web browsers and people going online on their cellphones, the website is being redone yet again.  But the colors are still, and always, blue and yellow.


What Causes Cushing’s Disease?



A condition in which the body produces too much cortisol, Cushing’s disease occurs when a tumor on the pituitary gland makes the gland create too much ACTH, the hormone that stimulates the production and release of cortisol (also known as “the stress hormone”). It may also occur with excess growth of the pituitary gland, known as hyperplasia. For most patients, Cushing’s disease will show itself through symptoms like red lines on the abdomen, abdominal weight gain and roundness to the face. And while the condition only affects 10 to 15 people per million per year, patients who suffer with it understandably wonder why. What are the causes? Where would a pituitary gland tumor come from? What leads to excess growth of that gland? To help answer these questions, here’s a look at Cushing’s disease causes:

Causes of Cushing’s Disease

The most common cause for Cushing’s disease is adenoma, a usually benign tumor on the pituitary gland. Because the tumors are normally pretty small, they can be hard to diagnose. For this reason, many patients who have Cushing’s disease don’t find out right away. Meeting with an endocrinologist can help the diagnosis process, improving your chances for a fast, successful recognition of the disease.

Risk Factors for Cushing’s Disease

Even though it’s a rare condition, Cushing’s disease occurs more commonly in women, particularly those between the ages of 20 and 50. Other factors that may increase the risk of Cushing’s disease include obesity, type 2 diabetes, poorly controlled blood sugar levels and high blood pressure. While none of these factors are a direct cause of the condition, they are associated with higher prevalence of it.

Cushing’s Disease vs. Cushing’s Syndrome

Often mistaken for one another, Cushing’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome are actually not the same condition. What they have in common is that they both involve the body’s producing too much cortisol. Cushing’s disease is a medical condition, however, while Cushing’s syndrome is a symptom of it. Cushing’s syndrome will often occur when a patient is taking corticosteroid medication.

Why You Should See an Endocrinologist

If you believe you or someone you love may have Cushing’s disease, it is best to see a specialist. Symptoms develop slowly and sometimes in cycles, so without proper testing it can be hard to identify what’s happening. A skilled endocrinologist can conduct hormone blood tests to measure blood cortisol levels at different times. He or she can also schedule an MRI for an individual who is not taking cortisol medications, in order to isolate the location of any tumors.

Have you been dealing with the symptoms of elevated cortisol levels, such as unexplained weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area and/or back of the neck? Is your skin or vision changing? These symptoms could be indicating a deeper problem in your body — so schedule an appointment to have your condition evaluated by a professional as soon as you can. Through proper treatment, you may be able to reduce or even eliminate your symptoms and be restored to full health again.


Cushing’s Awareness Challenge, Day 3: Symptoms



Robin has made another excellent graphic of some of the symptoms of Cushing’s.  There are far too many to be listed in any image, as shown by the list at


Just to be silly, a few years ago, I did my own version of Cushing’s symptoms:


The Seven Dwarves of Cushing's